пятница, 9 июня 2023 г.

Mustard white as a honey plant

Mustard white as a honey plant 

Mustard white as a honey plant

Mustard as a honey plant for beekeeping is a very valuable honey plant. White mustard honey plant, which allows you to significantly expand the honey base by sowing mustard with other crops. White mustard is a honey plant that can fill the free period before the main honey collection and will help the beekeeper to build up a bee for the main honey collection and prevent the apiary from being buried. Mustard as a honey plant will help to improve the health of bees before honey collection or before wintering. Mustard is a honey plant from which bees collect a lot of pollen from pollen.


  • Description of white mustard as a honey plant
  • Mustard white honey productivity in different climatic conditions
  • Mustard as honey plant for beekeeping in autumn
  • White mustard as honey plant and pollen plant
  • White mustard honey
  • White mustard as a honey plant in mixed crops
  • Mustard as a honey plant for beekeeping in questions and answers





Description of white mustard as a honey plant

White mustard is an annual honey plant. (Latin name Sinapis alba L.) - with a deep root system and a very large green mass. White mustard is resistant to frost. The root secretions of white mustard contribute to the dissolution of various compounds found in the soil in a sparingly soluble form.

The mustard stalk is branched in height, reaches 60-80 cm, the leaves are incised-pinnate, the mustard flowers are white yellow in color, from the pistil of which stamens protrude, at the base of the stamens there are dark green cross-shaped nectaries. White mustard flowers collected in multi-flowered racemes. The fruit is a pod.

The flowering of white mustard occurs in June-July, the flowering time of white mustard is 20-35 days.

Flowering mustard white honey plant is as follows. From the moment the yellow petals bloom to their drying, 3 days pass, and 4 days pass before falling off. Flowers open between 6 and 7 o'clock. A little time later, mustard pollen spills out of the anthers and by 8 o’clock it already accumulates outside in sufficient volume. On the second day after the start of flowering, individual flowers of white mustard, which closed in the evening, open again at about 9 o'clock in the morning, and some still half-open on the third day. In each inflorescence, white mustard blooms from the bottom up. White mustard flowers attract bees with their color, size, aroma.


Mustard white honey productivity in different climatic conditions


Mustard white honey productivity. The honey productivity of mustard is quite high. The sugar productivity of one flower of white mustard during the day is 0.3-0.5 mg, the honey productivity of white mustard varies from 30 to 105 kg per hectare.

The honey productivity of white mustard depends on environmental, weather, abiotic and other factors.

In the weather conditions of Mari El, white mustard blooms 39 days after sowing. The flowering period of one white mustard flower is 3 days. The average sugar content in one flower varies within 0.29 mg. The honey productivity of one plant of white mustard for the entire flowering period is 86.5 mg, and the honey productivity of white mustard with continuous growth on one hectare is 226 kg.

White mustard honey plant releases nectar unevenly during the day, little nectar is released in the morning and evening, most white mustard releases nectar during the day from 12 to 17 hours. The optimum temperature for white mustard flowers to produce nectar is 20-29 degrees Celsius.

For example, the sowing time plays a significant role in the allocation of white mustard flowers of nectar. So, when sowing white mustard on May 29, honey productivity is 60 kg, on June 27, 54 kg, and on July 12, 35.6 kg.

When to plant mustard for bees in Mari El? It is recommended to sow white mustard as a honey plant in the middle or end of May.

In the middle lane for beekeeping, white mustard can be sown in 3 terms.

The first sowing of white mustard is carried out in mid-May, the second sowing of white mustard for beekeeping at the end of May, the third in the first ten days of June, this allows you to significantly increase the duration of honey collection from white mustard.

How much honey can be obtained from 1 hectare of mustard in the Oryol region? In the conditions of the Oryol region, the honey productivity of white mustard per hectare ranges from 20 to 341 kg, a record of 362 kg of honey per hectare. At the same time, white mustard flowers produce the most nectar in the morning from 9 am to 3 pm, with a peak at 12 pm, and practically do not produce nectar in the late afternoon.

When to plant bee mustard? In the conditions of the Oryol region, it is quite possible to create a honey-bearing conveyor from white mustard, sowing it every 10 days from May 1 to August 1. With such a conveyor, the flowering period of white mustard can be increased up to three and a half months.

How and when to sow mustard for bees in spring? In the conditions of the Oryol region, the most interesting is the sowing of white mustard for beekeeping in the early stages - in the first decade of May, in a wide-row way, mustard for beekeeping with a seeding rate of 10 kg of seeds per 1 hectare. With this sowing, it is possible to fill the bribe-free period before the flowering of buckwheat, while the bees develop well on pollen and collect a lot of honey from white mustard. However, such crops of white mustard cannot be placed next to strong honey plants, and also cannot be placed in fields where cabbage plants used to grow, otherwise it is impossible to do without pesticide treatments of white mustard crops, which is unacceptable for beekeeping.

Under the natural conditions of the Novgorod region, white mustard can be sown from the second or third decade of April to the first decade of August. The duration of flowering of white mustard is 20-25 days. The sugar content in mustard nectar is 25% or more, and depends on external conditions.

In crops of white mustard in the Moscow region, during the flowering of mustard, how much nectar is emitted - sugar in the nectar of one flower contained from 0.318 to 0.419 mg, which is in terms of 1 hectare from 108 to 341 kg.

Mustard white honey productivity in Primorsky Krai is 30-35 kg per 1 ha.


With such an excellent honey productivity of white mustard, anyway, some beekeepers have a question - mustard honey plant or not, mustard honey plant or not? It should be noted that bees do not always collect nectar from mustard. If strong honey plants bloom nearby, the bees will switch to them. Also, cold night weather does not contribute to the honey collection from mustard, as well as severe drought. But the pollen from the mustard of the white bee is always carried to the hive. So to the question of mustard honey plant or not, the answer is simple - mustard honey plant.


Mustard as honey plant for beekeeping in autumn


How and when to sow mustard for bees in the second half of the season? You can also sow mustard as a honey plant as a stubble crop after harvesting cereals. In this case, white mustard is sown in the first half of August, in an ordinary way, mustard for beekeeping, the seeding rate is 20 kg of seeds per hectare. As a rule, shoots appear on the 4-5th day, and after 30-35 days white mustard begins to bloom. Bees willingly visit it in September and even in October, collecting honey and pollen. During this period, honey and pollen are actively spent by bees on feeding the young generation of bees, which will go into winter. The greatest number of bees works on mustard at this time from 9 to 11 o'clock. How much nectar mustard releases in autumn - the sugar content in white mustard flowers is not inferior to buckwheat. The sugar content in white mustard nectar during stubble sowing ranges from 50 to 90 kg per hectare. Control weights show an increase of 400 - 500 grams daily, while in the nests the bees are actively engaged in whitewashing the combs. Therefore, white mustard as a honey plant is perfect in those regions where there are no natural honey plants in the autumn, and will help bee colonies prepare for winter. White mustard is very useful for bees, it is believed that white bees get healthier at the honey collection from mustard.


Mustard white like honey plant and pollen plant


White mustard for bees releases a lot of pollen. During mustard flowering, white bees bring large amounts of pollen to the hive. Yellow mustard pollen. One hectare of continuous mustard herbage is capable of producing an average of 260-400 kg of pollen.

In the conditions of the Oryol region, the largest amount of pollen in the flowers of white mustard is formed during the period of mass flowering. The pollen productivity of white mustard varies considerably from year to year. Pollen production can be from 111 kg to 532 kg per hectare.


white mustard honey

Mustard white as a honey plant is a very good plant. Mustard honey is white, pale yellow in color, after crystallization it has a cream color and has a spicy taste and aroma. It crystallizes quite slowly, white mustard honey is very soft. Like any cruciferous honey, bees should not leave it in the winter.


Mustard white as a honey plant in mixed crops


Mustard white as a honey plant is an excellent plant for creating a honey conveyor. It is possible to sow mustard as a honey plant not only in clean crops, but also in joint crops with other crops, such as common vetch, sowing rank, sowing peas, where mustard attracts bees, supports the shoots of the accompanying plant.

When sowing white mustard with common vetch, the honey productivity of crops is 50 kg of honey per hectare, while the quantity and quality of seeds of common vetch and white mustard increase, since mustard attracts bees. With joint sowing, there is no lodging of common vetch, which improves its harvesting for seeds. The inclusion of white mustard in crops promotes the reproduction of entomophages that fight well with brachus, pea codling moth, weevil, aphids and other pests.

When sowing white mustard with common pea or sowing peas, mustard attracts bees to such crops and provides the opportunity for bees to collect 40-45 kg of honey from such crops per bee colony.


Mustard as a honey plant for beekeeping in questions and answers


Many farmers and beekeepers have questions about mustard and bees - do bees pollinate mustard? The answer is yes bees pollinate mustard. White seed yield mustard is equal to 8-10 centners per 1 hectare. Seed yield during cross-pollination of mustard by bees increases by 34-64%.

The question is how many days after sowing phacelia and mustard bloom. Depending on weather conditions, mustard blooms after sowing on about 39 days, (30-35 days after germination). In phacelia, the flowering period depends on the variety and locality (see more details on phacelia honey plant).

Question - white mustard plant do bees fly on it? The answer is yes to the white mustard plant, bees fly very well and perfectly collect pollen and nectar.

Question - is white mustard the main or supporting bribe? When asked whether white mustard is the main or supporting bribe, it can be answered that in 90% of cases it is the main bribe, but we must remember that if other strong honey plants bloom during mustard flowering, bees will collect honey from them, and not from mustard.

What kind of white mustard is the best honey plant? As a rule, all varieties of white mustard are honey plants. Unlike, say, buckwheat. The honey yield of mustard depends more on the timing of sowing and other abiotic factors than on the variety. With early sowing, white honey mustard per hectare can give a lot.

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