четверг, 15 июня 2023 г.

Silver linden (fluffy linden, felted linden) honey plant

 Silver linden (fluffy linden, felted linden) honey plant

Silver linden (fluffy linden, felted linden) honey plant

Linden silvery honey plantLinden felt (l. silver) - Tiliatomentosa M o e n c h. (T. argentea DC.)

Silver linden (felt linden) - a first-class honey plant - a tree up to 30 m high, with a dense broad-pyramidal or oval crown and uplifted branches. Silver linden (felt linden) is widespread in the wild in the southwestern part of Ukraine, often found in the Carpathian region, in mixed forests, in the Balkans. Silver linden is widely used for landscaping cities and towns, in field-protective afforestation, linden is valued as a soil-shading companion species, linden is used for ravine-beam and massive plantations in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe, silver linden tolerates dumps of coal mines better than other lindens, due to which it was widely used in Donbass, during the reclamation of waste heaps.




Young shoots of silver lime are grayish-greenish, pubescent. The linden trunk is silvery slender, regular cylindrical shape, with dark gray bark. Silver linden leaves are rounded, 6-12 cm long, elongated at the apex, oblique or heart-shaped at the base, serrated at the edges, dark green above and slightly fluffy at the beginning of development, whitish felt below.

Silver linden (felt linden) is a first-class honey plant. Silver linden flowers, 7-10 pieces in drooping corymbs, very fragrant. Bees willingly visit silver linden flowers to collect nectar; bees rarely collect pollen from linden.

Silver linden (felt linden) blooms later than small-leaved linden - in the second half of July until early August. In the southern regions, it surpasses the heart-shaped linden in terms of honey content. Silver linden honey productivity is 1200 kg/ha.

The fruits are ovoid nuts 0.8-1 cm long with a short tip at the top, slightly pentagonal.

The silver linden grows moderately fast. Linden silvery shade-tolerant look. Silver linden tolerates urban conditions well; has a high drought tolerance. Not damaged by insects.

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